Branch Overview and Benefits
APT Branches are chartered independent, incorporated organizations within the United States to provide local training, advocacy, and peer contact opportunities for play therapists, mental health professionals and students.
An APT member residing within the territory of a chartered branch must also be a member of that branch. In accordance with their charter agreements, each branch provides at least these annual benefits to members:
- 4 communications annually to members
- 6 hours of APT-approved play therapy continuing education
- 1 public play therapy promotion
- Peer networking opportunities
Gold Branch Awards
Branches exhibiting superior performance are annually presented Gold Branch Awards and are authorized to use the Gold Branch insignia. To earn a
Gold Branch Award,
a branch must earn at least 100 points annually in these core areas between April and March:
- Membership Growth
- Sponsored Play Therapy Education
- Communications (emails, newsletters, etc) to members
- Maintain a percentage of branch members who hold the RPT, RPT-S or SB-RPT credential
- Public Play Therapy Outreach promotions
- Other: Active website, social media channels, award programs, networking events, and the branch leadership/business meeting at the APT Annual Conference
Congratulations 2024 Gold Branches!
Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Maryland/DC, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, New England, New Mexico, Nevada, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, and Washington.
Branch Presidents
To assist with your membership efforts, you may access a current membership list or email members directly from the APT website here. For questions
concerning State Branches, contact us at
Branch Logos
The public now recognizes APT and its network of chartered branch by a single uniform logo. Branch presidents, graphic artists, and other authorized personnel may choose from four (4) options to satisfy their graphic needs.